Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Way I See It

With all of the distractions in the world, this is something I think is important for everyone to keep in mind.

Manners. If you werent raised right, I feel sorry for you. Just say please, thank you, you're welcome. Even if you dont mean it, the act can mean everything to someone. I say "bless you" everytime someone sneezes, even if I don't know them. It is common courtesy. I even, very much so, do not believe in god. I know it stems from "god bless you". Let go of your opinions and values at times. It is common courtesy. Be respectful of the socially correct.

Pick your battles. There will be bigger shit to fight about.
Apologize when you're wrong. Be okay with being wrong. Accept it when others call you out on being wrong. It's okay. Its a human characteristic- not wanting to admit our own mistakes, while still holding higher standards for others.
Be honest with people. Don't put up a facade- don't even feel the need to. It's worth it to just present yourself at face value. People should honor, respect, and love you for that alone.
Appreciate when others around you take interest in the same things; when they accomplish small things. Acknowledge them when they're doing what they're supposed to be doing.
Honor success even in the smallest ways. Verbally, written, whathaveyou. Tell people when they are great. You may be the only person to do so that day.
Compliment random strangers. It's healthy to make comparisons in your head, but be verbal about it. People go through their whole lives never really knowing anything. She may not know she has beautiful eyes. Tell her. He may have the sickest tattoo a random stranger has ever seen. Let him know you think so. You learn about yourself, in this way, too. It helps you realise what you value, who you are, what you need to change. Plus, it's liberating to break out of your shell into the unknown sometimes. Hey, you never know.

Take pride in who YOU are and the good that you do, even miniscule. Flossing one day a week is better than not at all. Paying all of your bills on time, being organized, waking up to an alarm clock. Cooking something awesome, let's say, and sharing it with friends. That's fucking awesome and cool and you should love yourself.
Did I mention not lying? Who cares about the bullshit. I'm not saying be overly honest like I can be at times. Unnecessarily honest is just that. You don't have to be brutal, but don't make up shit to sound brutal, or victimized, or so super tough, or like you are the shit. You probably aren't the shit if you've got to do crap like that to feel good about yourself. Can you not accept who you are that terribly?
Embrace what you're good at. So, let's say its math. Then, fucking love math! If all you seem to do well is talk, do it for a career. If you love not being good at anything, all you will be is nothing. It's a bad habit to get into, but easier to break. Sometimes it's just so much easier to succeed. Mind over matter, in the things that really matter.

The bumblebee (apparently) should not be able to fly, due to its body to wingspan proportion.

However, it does. One theory proposed ^ is that it doesnt know any better- doesn't know that it SHOULDN'T be able to fly- therefore it can. I dont look at it as ignorance is bliss.
I feel that through that, humans can accomplish anything. Being strong willed, goal oriented and dedicated can make everything happen. A lot of effort is worth more than any thing else you could measure in. You want it enough, it is possible. Believing that can conquer just about most problems you run into.

Change the way you look at something. Change the way you feel about something. If you want to, you can. Don't do it for anyone else. The mind is an amazing place.
You say "I'm stuck in this basement doing the same thing I've been doing since I was in high school, with the same people, and the same atmosphere. I like doing it- I am content with doing what I'm doing. I'm not extremely happy and I don't feel like im really living and I want to quit it all and be more interested in being outside and playing instruments and reading books.
Why am I still sitting here wishing?"

I'm not saying fake the person you are into someone else you really aren't. You can BE whoever you want to be. It just matters when you decide to be who you are, or who you want to be. You can change your habits and your interests and what consumes all of your time in an instant. Just like that.

And be a good person. Karma is a bitch.
Just go get up and do. Whatever it is you feel in that moment. Something. Anything. You can and you'll more often times than not, enjoy yourself. Even if you are BY yourself; you don't always need company. Sometimes you can make yourself laugh more than any other human could

and, you are your own best listener. Even if you aren't talking- thinking to yourself can be the best medicine. As long as your thoughts are self monitored, and often checked with the world around you for clarity, they can be a positive influence.

Love what you do, and love those in your life. Everything is too short to worry about much else. You spend all of your time being miserable youll miss out on the beauty.
And there is so much beauty.

Just in a sunny day. In the faces a ferret makes when it loves you. In sharing something with friends. In the feeling of the sun setting- dusk. Waking up to a brand new day- week, month year. New beginnnings- even long over due endings. A hot drink on a cool morning. The ocean when it's just a little too cold for how warm it is outside.

Love. Laugh. Sing. Live.
It's all you really need.

Cover Your Eyes

Protest Wall St. In fact, Occupy it.

The legal right of an American citizen outraged against society, their government, or laws being put into place allows people to peacefully protest for their cause. A month long journey on the financial area in NYC known as Wall St. finds these protesters wounded, cold, disheartened, but not giving up.

I am outraged at the amount of videos I can easily find surfacing on YouTube, my Facebook friends' list, and the unofficial official Occupy Wall St. website regarding police brutality. I am inspired by the amount of individuals who have patriotically stood their ground against corruption, and the few families that hold most of our wealth in America.
I intended to get my own non biased footage, but rarely have a free moment to think- let alone to acquire the funds to travel to the city this semester.

That pretty much sums it up.

I do, however, want to present other people's footage as accurate truthings of the amazing, disgusting events occurring not only in New York, but all over the world.

This is one of the first videos I had seen regarding the movement, emanating from a form of protest known as Arab Spring. I want every single person in this country to understand that we are not alone in our feelings of financial exhaustion, and an inability to progress from our never ending debts. This is occurring in at least 16 other countries around the globe.

This is one of the most disturbing videos portraying exactly the kind of image that is hindering the effects of police safety tactics against a 'riot'. In fact, this is provoking these protesters towards a direction of violence, in my opinion. I could not stand back and watch my fellow Americans be victimized over an expression of an opinion. Sure, they are damaging the profits towards businesses in the surrounding area. They are calling attention to a matter that requires it, in an organized, relatively civil matter. There will always be a "bad apple" to spoil the bunch, in any situation. It is very hard to find people who are willing to devote their time, energy, resources, and lives to making this change that are not mad. Some extremists need not be the image we have for all of these Americans, however.

That being said, I would like to show a few images explaining the reasons some people are attending these protests, continuously. I would like to show you the mass amount of dedication and concern facing some of our finest citizens in this day and age. I would like to show you the brutality, first hand, occurring in other states that are backing the ideology of a revolution against unfair big business practices in our country.

The best advice from coworkers I know that have attended these protests is that you have to be there, and you have to see it. Not only should it inspire you, outrage you, and motivate you, but I hope to educate you into forging a better life for all peoples.

What really matters to you?

Its all in the way you see it, I believe.

(And, people can take things completely the wrong way)

This bums be out about ABC news reports. He is a 21 year old kid, attempting to join a "revolution". Did you expect him to worry about his social security or something, let alone his safety?

The Jon Stewart show, and the Colbert Report seem to be my favorite televised news sources. See here:

It's funny. Just laugh.
This, on another angle, makes me happy.
Read the article stating the press this movement is getting. Make your decisions, but be informed.