Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Why society has convinced us we are sad, and how it is benefiting someone.

Prescribing pills; is it covering up or curing the issue?
Is he sad because he's still an egg?

Are you sad today? Feeling blue, and tired in the mornings, like you can't get out of bed? Are you not interested in the things you used to be interested in? Can you not get laid, because you have no people skills, and that's why your libido is low? Do your friends not like to be around you when all you do is whine and cry about your pained existence?

(it's okay, it seems to happen to everyone)

WHY YES. Yes I am I must be clinically depressed and this medication of psychiatry is my wonder drug.
Even the NY Times Health article on depression lists medication as it's first option of treatment for depression. It is hard to consider other options when, presented at face value, these biases are created for us as consumers.

Side effects from a pill that can make me happy? That is a chance I will take, as long as you change my shitty life into something GREAT. Instantly.

I want to be headed towards that beach. Bonus: you become a smoker.

I question these commercials. Are you selling me ideas for my time off, a change for how I feel, a mattress, or a pill? Essentially, these companies need to make it relatable to many people- with results they are looking for, for some span of time in order to have their pill thrive in a competing market. You would like the effectiveness (efficacy) advertised, the studies performed listed, the ingredients, the side effects, and I would assume you might like to know the cost of a pill on the market. The Wall St. Journal, in fact, has something to say about the prevalance of prescription pills.

The people employed by the company Vioxx fabricated efficacy studies, in order to raise the drug's image as a marketable pain killer.
There has been speculation on the people of the advertising company Pfizer, who markets for Vioxx, to have been involved in these false trials.


Vioxx was recalled after it was proven to cause major cardiovascular risks. People were outraged at the idea of it. There are many lawsuits in progress regarding this drug (see: your television channel with the most injury lawsuit commercials.). The clinical trials you heard of were made up. In essence, for ethical or moral reasons, you might not want to badmouth the company paying your bills, so you may be more likely to give a socially acceptable answer. This sells the product. How much blame can we place upon a company, attempting to sell a product, and succeeding?

There are other options, remember. Vitamin D is ingested when a living thing takes in sun. You can get many forms of it at most retail locations, and it has been a proven mood lifter. Therapy is, in my opinion, the most effective approach towards mental health. I guarantee you there is a therapist in your area willing to work with your insurance.
Also, our president has given those without insurance a pretty sweet deal.

You can not entirely blame the consumer. Although, I may cite a lack of initiative towards a positive 'chemical free' existence, the idea of being proactive and investigative towards pills, happiness, and non consumerism is rarely approached. I do not believe that it is easy to find a reliable source of information on any one topic in our universe. However, the more sources the better. We also want these effects immediately, in our fast paced result oriented society. We are demanding this, and I don't know why. The health benefits of a nutritional diet (that is, consisting of all things that you eat) can improve many health conditions.

(Side note: when accessing the Web MD website, for me, a prescription add popped up that you had to X out of to return to viewing the article...)
Next up on the chopping block are doctors. The widely known Hippocratic Oath is intended to remind doctors the purpose of their mission; to treat patients with safety as a priority. The doctors are human beings, who watch TV, see magazine full three page ads in their waiting rooms, and possibly even speak to other doctors. These sources, as well as many others like it, contribute to social influence on doctors. Plus, we want doctors to diagnose, treat and cure us and in sometimes the speediest way could be a medication to fight off an "infection." They are not all corrupt, but simply doing their jobs.

Group help is an anonymous, extremely supportive route of therapy. Almost anything anonymous exists in our tangible world, and our Internet databases. Reach out to another person and maybe consider acquiring a therapist of your own. It really helps to talk to people sometimes about whats going on in your head instead of running away with your own chaos quietly.
Positive self thought, introduced to many by touring motivational speakers is one of the least discussed ideas, with almost a negative connotation.

You know this is the motivational speakers day off, right?

These feel good, motivational speakers tour the country attempting to promote healthier ideas. It is hard, sometimes, to be open to a new way of seeing things. However, it is totally possible.
Become your own positive self-fulfilling prophecy, changing your perspective or simply the way you are seeing things in a situation, and meditative exercises be them mental or physical are they key here. Mental exercises would include any positive self-thinking, or behavior that exhibits self-awareness at an introspective level. This could simple be regarding yourself as adequate when speaking to someone you view "better" than you, giving yourself an "I will do great" before a big exam, or treating another person kindly. Interpersonal communication classes teach that when you are nice to another person, you in turn feel good. When you are able to identify your emotional triggers- even with the aid of a professional in this field- you can them understand their source, and learn how to eradicate them.

This brings up the topic of exercise.

Bob could loose his tears, and his bitch tits.

Any type of physical excerise like yoga or cardio can be that cause you to learn about your limits, endurance, and dedication would be a physical learning excercise. Sex is also an option, but I definitely wouldn't consider that my field of study.
Feel good endorphins come from food, too, but I'm not advocating anything.


Educate yourself, and anyone you meet on the ability to be skeptical of what you put into your body. Find alternative coping methods. Understand the risks associated with prescription pills. Understand that it is actually possible to not require medicine,  maybe up to 90% of the time.

Fighting against blind consumerism by being an intelligent, educated and aware individual is the key to finding something that may work for you. I would advocate away from pills unless you are severely delusional (IE hearing voices, seeing people, or suicidally inclined), bipolar, and/or if it is affecting your function. Be assertive, but be smart. Make your change, but attempt to find a level of unmedicated happiness by changing parts of how you see things, for the better. If you begin a pill regimen, discuss with a doctor or therapist a goal for a quit date. (Be that date tangible, or state of mental health determinate)

Depression is in no way a laughing matter, although I wish it could learn to lighten up on people. It affects millions of people, women, and even men who are taught not to cry, and to be tough. These people suffer in silence, afraid of the social ramifications, unaware of the possibilities, and are just really freaking sad. The families, friends, and coworkers of these every day individuals can also be damaged by the "disease", as our  pharmaceutical society relies on calling it.
It all depends on the way you see it.

In the end, get happy for you in whichever way you choose. We are part of an amazing journey of people who are trying to figure themselves, and the world around them, out. We are discovering, inventing, creating, thriving, and failing.

If we could possibly see things a little differently, maybe we could appreciate rainy days too. In areas of the desert like Arizona, and in small communities in Africa for example, people rely on that water manually acquired for the same daily functions we get from a tap. Just because cold, wet weather makes you feel a little blue doesn't have to ruin your day.
Understand waters importance to our earth, to your body, throw on some rain boots and grab your umbrella because a rainy day will no longer hold you back. Change the way you see it. I got a fortune that said "Happiness is a state of mind". I believe this.
 (YES, this really happened)

Chase your dreams.
In my opinion, the first step to solving these problems is learning how to cope with our problems. In turn, our problems are minimized by getting over how we allow them to cripple us, and depress our mindsets. When you see a miracle in nature- a sunrise, a clear sky, or an animal flying by- you are reminded to be appreciative of these little things. Remembering to pay attention to small, happy details of life (versus enormous, inconsequential "fails") can help you stay alert, motivated, and excited to enjoy your life.
If you don't feel like getting up in the morning, fix the way you see your life and the elements in it can make you inspired, and motivated to want to live. Let's say you only have one life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Way I See It

With all of the distractions in the world, this is something I think is important for everyone to keep in mind.

Manners. If you werent raised right, I feel sorry for you. Just say please, thank you, you're welcome. Even if you dont mean it, the act can mean everything to someone. I say "bless you" everytime someone sneezes, even if I don't know them. It is common courtesy. I even, very much so, do not believe in god. I know it stems from "god bless you". Let go of your opinions and values at times. It is common courtesy. Be respectful of the socially correct.

Pick your battles. There will be bigger shit to fight about.
Apologize when you're wrong. Be okay with being wrong. Accept it when others call you out on being wrong. It's okay. Its a human characteristic- not wanting to admit our own mistakes, while still holding higher standards for others.
Be honest with people. Don't put up a facade- don't even feel the need to. It's worth it to just present yourself at face value. People should honor, respect, and love you for that alone.
Appreciate when others around you take interest in the same things; when they accomplish small things. Acknowledge them when they're doing what they're supposed to be doing.
Honor success even in the smallest ways. Verbally, written, whathaveyou. Tell people when they are great. You may be the only person to do so that day.
Compliment random strangers. It's healthy to make comparisons in your head, but be verbal about it. People go through their whole lives never really knowing anything. She may not know she has beautiful eyes. Tell her. He may have the sickest tattoo a random stranger has ever seen. Let him know you think so. You learn about yourself, in this way, too. It helps you realise what you value, who you are, what you need to change. Plus, it's liberating to break out of your shell into the unknown sometimes. Hey, you never know.

Take pride in who YOU are and the good that you do, even miniscule. Flossing one day a week is better than not at all. Paying all of your bills on time, being organized, waking up to an alarm clock. Cooking something awesome, let's say, and sharing it with friends. That's fucking awesome and cool and you should love yourself.
Did I mention not lying? Who cares about the bullshit. I'm not saying be overly honest like I can be at times. Unnecessarily honest is just that. You don't have to be brutal, but don't make up shit to sound brutal, or victimized, or so super tough, or like you are the shit. You probably aren't the shit if you've got to do crap like that to feel good about yourself. Can you not accept who you are that terribly?
Embrace what you're good at. So, let's say its math. Then, fucking love math! If all you seem to do well is talk, do it for a career. If you love not being good at anything, all you will be is nothing. It's a bad habit to get into, but easier to break. Sometimes it's just so much easier to succeed. Mind over matter, in the things that really matter.

The bumblebee (apparently) should not be able to fly, due to its body to wingspan proportion.

However, it does. One theory proposed ^ is that it doesnt know any better- doesn't know that it SHOULDN'T be able to fly- therefore it can. I dont look at it as ignorance is bliss.
I feel that through that, humans can accomplish anything. Being strong willed, goal oriented and dedicated can make everything happen. A lot of effort is worth more than any thing else you could measure in. You want it enough, it is possible. Believing that can conquer just about most problems you run into.

Change the way you look at something. Change the way you feel about something. If you want to, you can. Don't do it for anyone else. The mind is an amazing place.
You say "I'm stuck in this basement doing the same thing I've been doing since I was in high school, with the same people, and the same atmosphere. I like doing it- I am content with doing what I'm doing. I'm not extremely happy and I don't feel like im really living and I want to quit it all and be more interested in being outside and playing instruments and reading books.
Why am I still sitting here wishing?"

I'm not saying fake the person you are into someone else you really aren't. You can BE whoever you want to be. It just matters when you decide to be who you are, or who you want to be. You can change your habits and your interests and what consumes all of your time in an instant. Just like that.

And be a good person. Karma is a bitch.
Just go get up and do. Whatever it is you feel in that moment. Something. Anything. You can and you'll more often times than not, enjoy yourself. Even if you are BY yourself; you don't always need company. Sometimes you can make yourself laugh more than any other human could

and, you are your own best listener. Even if you aren't talking- thinking to yourself can be the best medicine. As long as your thoughts are self monitored, and often checked with the world around you for clarity, they can be a positive influence.

Love what you do, and love those in your life. Everything is too short to worry about much else. You spend all of your time being miserable youll miss out on the beauty.
And there is so much beauty.

Just in a sunny day. In the faces a ferret makes when it loves you. In sharing something with friends. In the feeling of the sun setting- dusk. Waking up to a brand new day- week, month year. New beginnnings- even long over due endings. A hot drink on a cool morning. The ocean when it's just a little too cold for how warm it is outside.

Love. Laugh. Sing. Live.
It's all you really need.

Cover Your Eyes

Protest Wall St. In fact, Occupy it.

The legal right of an American citizen outraged against society, their government, or laws being put into place allows people to peacefully protest for their cause. A month long journey on the financial area in NYC known as Wall St. finds these protesters wounded, cold, disheartened, but not giving up.

I am outraged at the amount of videos I can easily find surfacing on YouTube, my Facebook friends' list, and the unofficial official Occupy Wall St. website regarding police brutality. I am inspired by the amount of individuals who have patriotically stood their ground against corruption, and the few families that hold most of our wealth in America.
I intended to get my own non biased footage, but rarely have a free moment to think- let alone to acquire the funds to travel to the city this semester.

That pretty much sums it up.

I do, however, want to present other people's footage as accurate truthings of the amazing, disgusting events occurring not only in New York, but all over the world.

This is one of the first videos I had seen regarding the movement, emanating from a form of protest known as Arab Spring. I want every single person in this country to understand that we are not alone in our feelings of financial exhaustion, and an inability to progress from our never ending debts. This is occurring in at least 16 other countries around the globe.

This is one of the most disturbing videos portraying exactly the kind of image that is hindering the effects of police safety tactics against a 'riot'. In fact, this is provoking these protesters towards a direction of violence, in my opinion. I could not stand back and watch my fellow Americans be victimized over an expression of an opinion. Sure, they are damaging the profits towards businesses in the surrounding area. They are calling attention to a matter that requires it, in an organized, relatively civil matter. There will always be a "bad apple" to spoil the bunch, in any situation. It is very hard to find people who are willing to devote their time, energy, resources, and lives to making this change that are not mad. Some extremists need not be the image we have for all of these Americans, however.

That being said, I would like to show a few images explaining the reasons some people are attending these protests, continuously. I would like to show you the mass amount of dedication and concern facing some of our finest citizens in this day and age. I would like to show you the brutality, first hand, occurring in other states that are backing the ideology of a revolution against unfair big business practices in our country.

The best advice from coworkers I know that have attended these protests is that you have to be there, and you have to see it. Not only should it inspire you, outrage you, and motivate you, but I hope to educate you into forging a better life for all peoples.

What really matters to you?

Its all in the way you see it, I believe.

(And, people can take things completely the wrong way)

This bums be out about ABC news reports. He is a 21 year old kid, attempting to join a "revolution". Did you expect him to worry about his social security or something, let alone his safety?

The Jon Stewart show, and the Colbert Report seem to be my favorite televised news sources. See here:

It's funny. Just laugh.
This, on another angle, makes me happy.
Read the article stating the press this movement is getting. Make your decisions, but be informed. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Cigarettes Can Be Under Your Control

Cigarettes have got most of us. Lets face it, They're delicious after a meal, during a drive, on a break at work, alongside a beer, or after a... rough event. They fill a void, and chill you out. How can you turn something like that down? Your friend might be inclined to even bum you one, if you don't live in a state with an extreme cigarette excise tax, that is.
The catch is, you can't, over time, turn cigarettes down. That nicotine has got a strong hold on millions of people around the world.
To some people, smoking is socially acceptable. To the rest, a filthy, bad habit containing cancer causing carcinogens, and even death countless times again to those ridden to die a nicotine fueled death.
(but at least you'll look cool doing it)

Have you ever met a cigarette smoker who would rather not smoke than smoke their preferred brand of cigarettes? Taken straight from Wikipedia: "Tobacco companies use advertising to drive brand awareness and brand preference amongst smokers, in order to drive sales and to increase brand and customer loyalty. One of the original forms of this was the inclusion of cigarette cards, a collectible set of ephemera."

In 1954, A Frank Statement was a marketing project aimed at millions of consumers of that era attempting to refute claims of cigarettes, and nicotine causing health risks, and being associated with cancer. Clearly, this did not work.

The Journal of American Medical Association conducted a study in the early nineties, attempting to identify children's ability to determine what product certain cartoon characters were associated with. They learned that children as young as 6 years of age could relate Joe Camel to cigarettes, as they could Mickey Mouse to Disney. This posed a serious threat for the developing youth, not being the exact target of the marketing scheme.

Once cigarettes and their advertising were deemed unhealthy, directly influencing children, and a 'risk' to the businesses creating these projects, more focus was placed upon Anti-smoking campaigns. One memorable campaign is the Truth campaign, the largest youth directed anti-smoking campaign, created in 2000. They state it was effective, and I personally beg to differ.
I believe with the social influence, advertising effects, and causality of smoking to ease our tensions, growing up in the 90's may lead you to be interested in smoking.

Remember, kids. The cat and mouse can talk and hang- and smoke?
Advertising has played a large role in the attraction, and sell, of cigarettes. Wikipedia states that: According to the World Health Organization, that means that about 650 million current smokers will die from a preventable cause. They also indicate that smoking-related health problems contribute to rising health care costs.
Much can be learned with the speed we are able to produce new technologies, and the inevitability of our culture to flock towards trends. 'Why do trends exist?' is a question along the lines of wondering why traffic exists. It is inevitable and until we have flying cars, it shall be semi permanent.

(a Hover board would be cool, even!)

That being said, advertising helps all businesses to sell their product to a certain gene pool of ready and hungry consumers. How, you might wonder? In time, I believe all advertising will be an intuitive process, kind of how your Pandora account 'learns' about you.
Considering they base their studies on the demographics, and advertising has only been fine tuned in more recent years.

(Coca Cola has existed since the beginning of time. Advertised, even, in the 1890s)

WAYS TO REDUCE CANCER RATE in yourself and those who surround you; take in antioxidants, herbal remedies are suggestively effective, and not smoking or chewing tobacco definitely helps.
Also, remember to keep in mind your bodily health with exercise such as running, yoga, swimming, jogging, walking, biking, or even vacuuming your house.

Disposable water bottles are another topic I would like to briefly touch on. Aside from being extremely wasteful, they are most importantly convenient.

Collecting all of these could buy more than lunch...

I love them. You don't have to keep track of them, don't have to clean them (unless you are a refill er), and you get a nickle if you don't throw one in the trash.
However, there was a myth created around the safety of using these bottles. The myth stated that when a pliable plastic container is heated, or frozen, it releases carcinogens into the water it is encasing. For instance, the hot heat in your car on a summer day is literally changing the chemical makeup of these bottles we definitely depend upon. With further research, the websites and hoax-slayer have debunked this myth, for now.
I suggest investing in a maximum cost of ten dollars to acquire your own reusable bottle, and imagine the money you could save.

Then, spend it on the new holographic phone that comes out!
Here is urging you to educate yourself on what is out there. Cigarettes are propagating this cancer we all speak out against, in so much fear. Why is there speculation of a cure when we have joined in contract to further propel a bad habit, by being cigarette consumers? Knowledge, in this case, really can be power.
Don't be afraid to decide you would like to quit having an addiction that is feeding the scum of the advertising earth. There is no day like today.